My job
At first on this project I was in charge of the level design and audio design of the game. My main job was to design, create maps and integrate them into the game. Further in the development I was changed to do some implementations with the UI team.
Concept desings
At the beggining of the project my job was to provide designs to the team of possibles stages where the action will be. That means to chose zones that were important in Game of Thrones, decide more specific zones in the map and what will be the main mission in this zone.
Then I designed 4 possible zones:
- the Citadel, where the player was more on a defensive side and had to defend by waves of enemies.
- Beyond the wall, where the player has to search and hunt WhiteWalkers.
- The Dreadfort, where the player had to rescue one hostage infiltrating into the fort.
- King's Landing, where the player had to infiltrated and kidnap Cersey Lannister.
Level Design
I was in charge of the level design during the vertical slice phase. I designed over 30 different maps during all the project. The images above are the most relevant that finally make it through it.
At the begging of the project the maps were little with the idea of develop the combat system. As the game was getting bigger we also had to design the maps including the different puzzles. Thats why the team of level design also increased.
At the final stages of the development I was in charge of redesing the map and divided it in four litle zones due to optimize the game, including a tutorial zone where the player was teached mostly all the game mechanics.
One of the three final puzzles that were implemented into the game was made by myself. This puzzle was the projectile one, where the player is closed in a room and he has to avoid the fire projectiles during a certain amount of time. The puzzle is divided in three stages, where the speed of the projectiles increase considerably.
Also I designed 2 other puzzles that didn't make it:
- Puzzle of riddles: That was a contingency puzzle one that we didn't implemented due to time problems. The puzzle was mainly focused on solve riddles with the help of phrases that the enemies would say, banners and graffities on the walls.
- Projectile puzzle with holes: This puzzle was an iteration to improve the projectile puzzle. On this iteration the room was filled with holes where the player could fall in taking damage and reestarting the phase of the puzzle. We didn't implemented on time due to some issues.
While I was with the UI team my jobs were:
- Write texts for the loading screen during the game.
- Desing and intagrate a main screen in 3D.
- Design the option menu with the help of the programmers.
- Redesing the final screen and improve it making goals clear to the player.
At the begging of the project I was in charge of the audio desing with a little group of developers. As the project was getting bigger we decided to include the audio tasks in each group of scrums.
During this time I did:
- Design documents where was explained the feel and what we wanted to achieve.
- Get and edit some FX sounds, like foodsteps, sword slashes and many others.
- Help the team to record and do some voice acting for the NPC's.