Albert Llopart Navarra


My contribution

My main task in this project has been to create, edit or gather any audio asset we needed. I have been continuously in contact with the designers that have detailed me their ideas or needs. Aso I have been in charge of other little tasks, specially at the begining of the project, such as creating sprites for the UI.

Sources and Software

Some audio effects I have created them myself using my own micrphone. Others though, wihch were too complex for me to create from scratch, I have found them at, a private audio library to which our digital audio teacher gave us access during this year. The main software I have used to either create or edit audio files has been Audacity, which is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software, available for Windows, macOS/OS X and Unix-like operating systems. It is very easy to use and also very intuitive. It has made my work much lighter than I ever thought.


At the begining of the project I was in charge of creating some sprites for the UI. Some of them are not in the final game, but some of them are.
